Meta Quest is a virtual reality headset produced by Meta, formerly known as Facebook Reality Labs. In a recent update, Meta added new hand-tracking features to the Meta Quest, which allow users to interact with the virtual world without the need for controllers.
The new hand-tracking features use advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms to accurately detect the user's hand movements and gestures. This allows for more natural and intuitive interactions with virtual objects and environments.
The hand-tracking features also allow users to use their hands as controllers in certain games and applications, eliminating the need to purchase additional controllers.
In addition to the new hand-tracking features, the Meta Quest update also includes improvements to the device's tracking and performance, as well as new features for social interactions.
Overall, the addition of hand-tracking features to the Meta Quest is a significant improvement that should make the device even more immersive and intuitive to use. It also showcases the continued advancement of VR technology and the potential for more natural and intuitive interactions with virtual environments in the future.